I recently built a system for backups and installed Centos 7 on it along with Bacula. The system has an Intel Raid card built into the motherboard and since the installation DVD discovered the 24TB RAID, I figured I’d be good to go. I will be using the RAID array for backup files and have […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on CentOS 7 Emergency Mode on boot/reboot with RAID mountedIt’s easy to install VMware Tools on a Centos guest. This allows you to properly shutdown guests running Linux and also give a little more in-depth reporting within ESXi. All you need to do is type the following command in SSH: yum install open-vm-tools This will download and install VMware Tools and you will need […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Installing VMware Tools on Centos 7Kind of overkill to have Bacula installed at my home but if you’ve read some of the other things I’ve got going on (which I will post when I get a chance), you will see that everything I do is a little overkill. I’m using it to backup my home automation server, iTunes server […]
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